Šīs sīkdatnes tīmekļa vietnē var izvietot mūsu reklāmas partneri. Šie uzņēmumi var izmantot šos datus, lai izveidotu jūsu interešu profilu un rādītu atbilstošu reklāmu citās vietnēs. Viņi neglabā personisko informāciju tieši, bet to pamatā ir jūsu pārlūkprogrammas un ierīces unikāla identifikācija tiešsaistē. Ja neatļausiet izmantot šīs sīkdatnes, turpmāk redzēsiet mazāk pielāgotas reklāmas.
Šīs sīkdatnes ļauj vietnei nodrošināt paplašinātas funkcijas un personalizāciju. Tos varam uzstādīt mēs paši vai trešo pušu pakalpojumu sniedzēji, kuru pakalpojumus esam pievienojuši mūsu tīmekļa vietnēm. Ja neatļaujat izmantot šīs sīkdatnes, daži mūsu pakalpojumi var darboties kļūdaini.
Šīs sīkdatnes ļauj mums uzskaitīt apmeklējumu skaitu un datplūsmas avotus, lai novērtētu un uzlabotu mūsu vietnes veiktspēju. Tie palīdz mums uzzināt, kuras lapas ir visvairāk un kuras vismazāk populāras, un noskaidrot, cik liels lietotāju skaits apmeklē tīmekļa vietni. Visa šo sīkdatņu ievāktā informācija ir apkopota un tādējādi anonīma. Ja neatļausiet izmantot šīs sīkdatnes, mēs nezināsim, kad esat apmeklējis mūsu tīmekļa vietni, un nevarēsim izsekot tās veiktspēju.
Basket is empty
Due to the technical issues orders are unavailable. |
Liela pieprasījuma dēļ, orders for banquet production for 30.12. and 31.12. are unavailable. on 31.12. brunch can only be ordered for pickup. |
Liela pieprasījuma dēļ, orders for banquet production for 30.12. are unavailable. orders for banquet production for 31.12. available from 15:00. on 31.12. brunch can only be ordered for pickup. |
Due to overload, orders for banquet production for 20.12. are unavailable. We are sorry for any inconvenience caused. |
Delivery service working hours: 18.11. till 20:00 |
Due to the technical issues only online orders are available. |
Due to overload, Precise time orders for 02.09. from restaurants will not be available. |
Due to overload, offer BUY 1 GET 1 FREE will be unavailable on 31.12. |
Due to overload, Precise time orders for 14.02. from restaurants will not be available. Offer BUY 1 GET 1 FREE will be also unavailable. BRUNCH will be available for take away only. |
Due to overload, orders for banquet production for 31.12. are unavailable. Precise time orders from restaurants will not be available. Offer BUY 1 GET 1 FREE will be also unavailable. We are sorry for any inconvenience caused. |
Due to overload, orders for banquet production for 21.12. are unavailable. on 22.12. it is possible to prepare orders for banquet products only after 18:00. We are sorry for any inconvenience caused. |
5.05., 6.05., 7.05. delivery service works till 20:00 |
Due to the technical issues card payments are not available. |
Due to the technical issues till 13.03. will be possible to order exclusive cakes with these design numbers only: 8013, 8014, 8015, 8016, 8017, 8018. |
Due to overload, precise time orders will not be available at march 8th. Offers: 2 FOR €12 and BUY 1 GET 1 FREE will be also unavailable. BRUNCH will be available till 15:00 |
Due to overload, precise time orders from restaurants will not be available at september 1st. Offers: BUY 1 GET 1 FREE and BRUNCH will be also unavailable. |
Due to overload, precise time orders will not be available at march 8th. |
Due to the production line overload, orders for banquet production for 23.12. are unavailable. We are sorry for any inconvenience caused. |
Due to the production line overload, orders for cakes and banquet production for 30.12 and 31.12 are unavailable. Offer BUY 1 GET 1 FREE will be also unavailable. Precise time orders will not be available at 31.12. We are sorry for any inconvenience caused. |
Due to overload, on 30.12 and 31.12 offer BUY 1 GET 1 FREE will be unavailable. We are sorry for any inconvenience caused. |
Due to overload, precise time orders will not be available at 24.12. On 24.12, 30.12 and 31.12 offer BUY 1 GET 1 FREE will be also unavailable. We are sorry for any inconvenience caused. |
Due to the production line overload, orders for banquet production for 23.12. are unavailable. On 23.12, 24.12, 30.12 and 31.12 offer BUY 1 GET 1 FREE will be also unavailable. We are sorry for any inconvenience caused. |
Due to the technical issues only phone orders are available. |
Email temporarily unavailable. Please call: 67 225 225 vai 29 900 600 |
Special offers
We have reduce waiting time for gastronomic products. Order now!
We deliver packed meals cold.
All gastronomy products are available at our cafe-shops Lage Gastronomija in:
s/c Akropole Alfa, s/c Akropole Rīga, s/c Apelsīns, s/c Damme, s/c Domina Shopping, Dzirnavu street 37, s/c Galerija Centrs, s/c Galleria Riga, s/c Origo, s/c Rīga Plaza, s/c Sāga, s/c Spice